
Fuga Cloud offers ready to go images to help you get your instance up and running in no time. We offer images of the most used Linux distributions, but you can also upload your custom images. In this tutorial, we will show you how you can upload your custom image and boot it as an instance using the OpenStack CLI tools.

The following image files are supported: ISO, OVA, PLOOP, QCOW2, Raw, VDI, VHD, VMDK, AKI, AMI, ARI, Docker.


Active Fuga Cloud account
OpenStack CLI tools installed
An image (that you would like to use)
OpenStack credentials (open.rc file)
Step 1 Uploading your custom image
Make sure you are logged in to Fuga Cloud with your CLI tools

We have to upload your image to Fuga Cloud. In this example, we use a qcow2 file. Upload your image using the following command.

openstack image create –container-format bare –disk-format qcow2 –file

After the upload of your image is complete, you should see your image in the list.

openstack image list

Step 2 Boot your image in Fuga Cloud
Before we can start our instance using our newly uploaded image, we need to specify a couple of things like flavor, network, security group, and key pair that we want to use.

Check the list of available flavors using the following command:

openstack flavor list

Check your available networks

openstack network list

Your security groups

openstack security group list

Your key pairs

openstack keypair list

Now for launching an instance using your custom image we can use the following command:

openstack server create --flavor --network --security-group --image --key-name

You can check the status of your newly launched server

openstack server list


You now learned how to upload your custom images using the CLI tools and launch an instance.